Buzz / 08 18, 2011
Haneke Design President Speaking at Mobile Marketer’s Go Mobile Tampa 2011
With a focus on learning how mobile marketing can help businesses, Mobile Marketer is bringing mobile marketing to cities across the country – including Tampa – September 6-9. Jody Haneke, president of Tampa’s Haneke Design, an interactive design and development firm, has been asked to speak at Go Mobile Tampa 2011 during the lunch event on Thursday, September 8. Haneke will share case studies and tips on mobile applications and strategies his firm has developed and creative ways businesses can integrate mobile marketing into their plans.
Business owners, entrepreneurs and marketing professionals attending Go Mobile Tampa can expect to learn why businesses should be looking at their mobile web presence, how location-based services can improve business through mobile marketing, (Not sure about this social media??) and develop some creative ideas about how mobile marketing fits into their business.
In addition to Haneke, other local speakers include:
- Ricky Rath, Online Business Consultant at LinkShape will be our commentator for both the Wednesday & Thursday Events.
- Jennifer Bakunas, President & CEO of Magnetic will share some important tips on why your business should be mobile ready.
- Maryann Balbo, Digital Sales Manager at St. Petersburg Times will be discussing location based services through Things-To-Do Application.
- Alfred Goldberg, President of Absolute Mobile Solutions will focus on the importance of developing a mobile strategy prior to attempting to infuse this new medium into your business.
Go Mobile Tampa will kick off on Tuesday, September 6 with a mobile social held at the Centre Club from 5:30-8:00 p.m. Wednesday’s breakfast event with speakers Jennifer Bakunas and Maryann Balbo is 8:30-11 a.m. and Thursday’s lunch event with speakers Alfred Goldberg and Jody Haneke is 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m., both events will be held at the Centre Club.
For more event information and to register, visit the Go Mobile Tampa Web site.