Haneke Design Creates Software to Program Hatch LED Lighting - Haneke Design

Buzz / 04 03, 2018


Hatch Lighting, a Tampa-based business, partnered with Haneke Design to create an integrated software tool that simplifies installation of their products. 

Hatch Lighting has provided top-notch power supply products and services for over 30 years. These products range from transformers to fluorescent ballasts, to LED Drivers.

Haneke Design, a professional Tampa-based creative agency, assesses the needs of any organization to see how their businesses can radically be improved through the creative use of technology. They saw an opportunity to incorporate supplemental software that completely simplifies the process of programming Hatch Lighting technology.

The two recently partnered together to find creative solutions for Hatch Lighting’s business offerings and eventually identified two points of contention that could be radically improved.

Haneke Design assisted Hatch Lighting’s customers with two major problems:

One: Hatch Lighting was looking for a way to improve how customers test and program their new LED driver line. Drivers are generally programmed and tested behind the scenes with multiple pieces of equipment to successfully program the unit. Testing and programming drivers can be cumbersome and overcomplicated, and Hatch Lighting needed a simplified solution.

After speaking with the creative directors at Haneke Design, a solution was reached: Drivers could be easily programmed through Android mobile phones using the NFC functionality.

This process allows for an engineer to come in and program a device through their own phone. After working with Haneke Design, there was no longer a need for the engineer to carry around heavy and unnecessary equipment that only got in the way of doing the job.

All the engineer has to do now is install an app on their phone, place the phone on the driver to find it on the app, set the output current, and place the phone on the driver again to program with ease. The rest of the hard work would be carried out with the interaction of the mobile app and the driver via NFC.

Two: Hatch Lightning also wanted to help customers do this on a much greater scale for multiple devices. A Windows application was created to help customers program multiple drivers through a simple and easy to use interface. With the Windows application, an engineer can search for a driver, set the output current, and then program the driver—all from one screen.

“Haneke Design built our website and have a history of working with complex web and mobile apps, so we trusted that they could handle the task at hand. They helped us come up with a technological solution to a very real pain point in our industry, and we could not be more pleased,” said Michael Hatch, CEO and Founder of Hatch Lighting.

About Hatch Lighting

Hatch provides customers with top-notch products and personal service that only an independent manufacturer can provide. Whether you need transformers, HID ballasts, fluorescent ballasts, or LED drivers, Hatch has you covered. Find them at: http://www.hatchlighting.com.


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