Haneke Design Teams with IKEA to Show Business How to Move Sales with Mobile Marketing - Haneke Design

Buzz / 10 20, 2010

Haneke Design Teams with IKEA to Show Business How to Move Sales with Mobile Marketing

Side-IkeaIt’s no secret that consumers are using their smart phones and mobile devices to search online and shop while on the go.  But many companies struggle with how to develop a mobile strategy that makes the most sense for their business goals.  To help Tampa business leaders get a better sense of what mobile marketing can do for them, Haneke Design and IKEA have teamed up to present “Moving Sales with Mobile Marketing” at IKEA Tampa’s next  Live @ Five small business event this Thursday, October 21 at 5 p.m.

In his presentation, Jody will show how mobile ads and iPhone apps can deliver increased sales and web traffic, generate publicity, offer promotions, raise funds for nonprofits and power grassroots campaigns.  Attendees will walk away with a clear understanding of how to integrate mobile marketing into their business strategy.

Live @ FIVE is an interactive, fun and functional program offering the busy professional a forum to learn (or refresh) skills necessary for personal and professional development. Held on the third Thursday of each month, programs begin with informal networking at 5 p.m., followed by a one-hour workshop from 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Visit the IKEA Business site here for more information and to RSVP. The program will take place at IKEA Tampa, 1103 N. 22nd Street, Tampa, in the “community room.”


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