CalciumPro App Featured on Tampa Bay Fox 13 News - Haneke Design

Buzz / 04 16, 2014

CalciumPro App Featured on Tampa Bay Fox 13 News

Medical mobile app, created by Haneke Design for Norman Parathyroid Center, profiled for its success in diagnosing parathyroid disease and saving lives.
Can a mobile app accurately diagnose hyperparathyroidism – one of the most commonly misdiagnosed diseases in the United States? It sure can. Dr. Joette Giovinco, Fox 13’s medical correspondent, profiled Dr. Jim Norman and one of his patients who was discovered her parathyroid condition and later received confirmation of a tumor using the CalciumPro app. Since Haneke Design created the CalciumPro app for Dr. Norman and launched it in April 2013, over 18,000 apps have been sold. Dr. Norman operates on 2 – 3 patients each week who have discovered their parathyroid disease using the CalciumPro app at his Parathyroid Center at Tampa General Hospital.


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